Sienna Vaughn
Forever 16
“Losing a child is every parent’s worst nightmare and this story resonates with families everywhere.”

“Losing a child is every parent’s worst nightmare and this story resonates with families everywhere.”
Our daughter, Sienna Vaughn, died suddenly of Fentanyl poisoning on February 19th, 2023.
Sienna was a 16-year-old Junior at Plano Senior High School, in Plano, Texas. Sienna was a wonderful young woman who impacted many people around her through Girl Scouts, Cheer, and school.
She loved listening to music, hanging out with her friends and playing with our cats. Her life was tragically taken much too soon, and she is greatly missed.
Sienna made the mistake that many other young people across the country are making far too often.
She took what she thought was a prescription Percocet wanting to relax in her bedroom at home. Unfortunately, this pill was laced with a fatal amount of Fentanyl.
When we discovered her, approximately an hour after taking the pill, it was too late.
Taking a prescription pill that someone gave her was a mistake, but this should NOT have been a fatal error. With fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills in circulation, people are not getting a second chance.
Sienna’s loss will hurt forever, and she will be missed by so many. We hope our story will help other families open a dialogue that saves the lives of other kids.
— Ryan, Stephanie and Summer Vaughn